Stella McCartney

#StellaTalks x Earthrise: Defending the Amazon

#StellaTalks x Earthrise: Defending the Amazon

Stella McCartney raises awareness about deforestation in the Amazon rainforest via fashion communication


via Instagram

#StellaTalks x Earthrise: Defending the Amazon is the first edition in a new six-part series of activist-led conversations connecting our global community of changemakers.

Shot at our #23OldBond London flagship, it is hosted by @AliceAedy of – an impact-led media platform that aims to communicate the climate crisis. She is joined by activists sharing progressive solutions for supporting the Amazon and the indigenous communities fighting tirelessly to defend it.

Discover more about this urgent cause by following @AmazonWatch@NinaGualinga and @MujeresAmazonicas.

#StellaMcCartney #EarthDay

via Bondreeet UK

Stella McCartney is launching a new in-store speaker series on Earth Day 2021, #StellaTalks, that features thought leaders from its global community of changemakers. The first edition was hosted at its newly reopened Old Bond Street London flagship by environmental filmmakers Alice Aedy, who shot the brand’s Breast Cancer Awareness 2020 campaign film, and Jack Harries – both co-founders of Earthrise Studio, a youth-led media platform communicating climate. Titled #StellaTalks x Earthrise: Defending the Amazon, they discuss the urgent issue of Amazon deforestation and other environmental matters with fellow activists including Nina Gualinga, Nathalie Kelley and Leila Salazar-Lopez of Amazon Watch, among others.

The Amazon and its Indigenous communities are focal for Stella McCartney as part of its zero-deforestation and anti-racist values, led by its McCartney A to Z Manifesto guiding alphabet. The brand has additionally collaborated with Greenpeace on a capsule as part of its Summer 2021 collection, with the full range now available to purchase at Having never used leather, feathers, fur or skins since its launch in 2001, the brand is supporting and raising awareness for the global environmental NGO’s campaign to stop deforestation in the Amazon fuelled by industrial agriculture and meat production.

#StellaTalks x Earthrise: Defending the Amazon will be available to stream at Stella McCartney’s social media pages on Thursday 22 April 2021.




Stella talks about deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. Stella McCartney and EarthRise Studio. Alice Eady, Mujeres Amazonicas, Nina Gualinga, Amazon Watch
Stella talks about deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. Stella McCartney and EarthRise Studio. Alice Eady, Mujeres Amazonicas, Nina Gualinga, Amazon Watch








Love the Amazon rainforest

Or let the Earth be fine again without stupid humankind. Let the Earth become cool again after that crazy period when greedy and irresponsible human beings lived on this planet, killed the forest, changed the climate, and killed themselves by consequence


Welcome to a selection of beautiful images of the Amazon rainforest, that you can see at the end of this post, as we enter at the end of our own narrative as humans on Earth. The images below are like an ironic souvenir from Google Images.


The images that you can see at the end of our story (in both senses, this text, and History) do not represent what can be found at least in the Western Amazon, states of Acre and Rondônia, in Brazil, neither in Peru and Bolivia.




So, first of all, let’s see some deforestation and some cattle in the Western Amazon:

Deforestation in Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil. // Desmatamento na Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Amazônia Ocidental, Brasil. Photo: Luciana Duarte



Cattle in Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil. // Gado na Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, no Estado do Acre, Amazônia Ocidental, Brasil. Photo: Luciana Duarte



We – as a society, as collective, as humankind – are killing the forest to have more meat on our plate, more furniture made of beautiful wood, more mines to serve the urbanization. But can we stop or, at least, can we avoid the deforestation in the Amazon (and do not kill ourselves as a consequence of climate change)?



How can we save the Amazon?

(A) Develop simple habits:

  1. eat less meat;
  2. become a vegetarian (don’t need to do this right now, but put this as a goal in life);
  3. plant a tree every year;
  4. talk to friends and family to eat less meat and to plant more trees;
  5. prefer alternative materials instead of wood (and plastic);
  6. reuse more your own stuff, share more, rent more;
  7. spread the message to protect our forest, our home, our planet;
  8. be supportive every day, understand that we all (humans and trees) are brothers that should love each other;
  9. consume more images of the Amazon rainforest, do not consume the forest.


(B) Support NGOs that contribute to sustainable development in the Amazon:

  1. Donate to S.O.S. Amazônia
  2. Donate to WWF Brasil
  3. Donate to Greenpeace Brasil
  4. Donate to Amazon Aid
  5. Donate to Earth Alliance
  6. Donate to Mighty Earth
  7. Donate to FAS Amazonas
  8. Donate to IPAM Amazônia
  9. Donate to Imazon
  10. Donate to Amigos da Terra – Amazônia Brasileira
  11. Donate and support in many ways Rainforest Alliance
  12. Donate and support Carbon Neutral Program of Idesam
  13. Donate and help to protect indigenous groups against COVID-19 at Amazonia Contra Covid
  14. Develop a project with Partnership For Forest
  15. Develop a startup with Centro de Empreendedorismo da Amazônia


(C) Support organizations that protect indigenous communities:

  1. Donate to Instituto SocioAmbiental
  2. Donate to Amazon Watch


(D) Buy products developed by Brazilian indigenous communities:

  1. Arts and crafts, transparent about its origin and traceability at Origens Brasil 
  2. Food, books, arts and crafts, and clothing made by different forest peoples at Instituto SocioAmbiental Store
  3. Traditional arts and crafts at Tucum Brasil Store
  4. Great original artworks created by Mahku, a group of Huni Kuin artists at Nixi-pae Espírito da Floresta Blog (need to order via e-mail)
  5. Arts and crafts in São Paulo stores at Artesanato Indígena


(E) Pressure your government and companies to import only from suppliers and regions that show evidence of eliminating deforestation.



(F) Avoid fake news, memes on Whatsapp and neoliberal ideology. Real information about the Amazon forest can be found at:

  1. Resources and news of All Eyes on the Amazon
  2. Download an App to monitor the forests via Global Forest Watch
  3. Watch One Amazon – Amazon Action Forum
  4. Download the Amazon Fund Report 2018



Now, take a souvenir from Mother Earth to your computer, and dream that if you don’t do anything someone else will save the problem of deforestation in the Amazon.


Amazon overview – wallpaper 1200 x 675



Amazon rainforest – wallpaper 1600 x 889



Amazon rainforest with river – wallpaper 1123 x 749



A forest – wallpaper 1500 x 1000



Amazon rainforest deep green – wallpaper 1920 x 1080



Floresta amazônica – papel de parede 2043 x 1053



Amazônia – papel de parede 1280 x 702


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