Ethical Fashion Brazil is made in a very Brazilian way. It is not only made by our main scientist, meditator and founder Luciana Duarte and her crew, but we also have the spiritual power of Ayahuasca, San Martín de Tours and Xangô. Together we reclaim for sustainable fashion, justice, protection, charity and wisdom.

By the way, Luciana strongly believes she is a white shaman that can heal the industrial world, with a little help from her friends. Sometimes she receives the teachings from the teacher plant Ayahuasca, sometimes she claims for justice to Xangô, a divinity from Umbanda. Nevertheless, every single day she is guided by her master San Martín de Tours, whom is also called as San Martín Caballero.

So, Ethical Fashion Brazil is about Science, imagination and Spiritual guide.

Welcome to the way that we do things here in Brazil!


San Martín de Tours

Oracion a San Martin Caballero

!Oh! Glorioso soldado Romano que fuiste de Dios conferido a cumplir el don de la caridade. Por las pruebas más grandes a que fuiste sometido por el Señor yo te pido de todo corazón que com caridade combatas la miséria de mi casa, que la caridade de tu alma me siga por donde quiera que vaya. Que tu espada milagrosa destierre los malefícios em mi vida y las herraduras de tu brioso corcel me traigan bendiciones em todos mis negócios. !Oh! San Martín Caballero del Señor fiel Misionero, líbrame de todo mal. Para que nunca me falte Salud, Trabajo y Sustento. Amen.

